Membership Status for InterSociety and ISDCF


It’s time for changes. 

2022 was a year that saw two of our key ISDCF sponsors reduce their direct support of InterSociety/ISDCF. After 16 years Universal is stepping back from support of the ISDCF Chairman. What a contribution to our industry!! NATO has also stepped back after providing back-room support for years.

The InterSociety Board of Directors have developed a proposal for a self sustaining structure for ISDCF. The new structure calls for companies with over $5M in revenue to contribute $4K a year to InterSociety/ISDCF.  

We want to survey our membership for this proposal. If we receive sufficient interest, we would then move forward and issue invoices to participants that have over $5M in revenue and work out the policy details. Please go to to participate in the survey. If your company indicates in the affirmative, we will work out details for payment. Please respond by end of 2022. 

The next ISDCF meeting is on January 12, 2023 at Harman in Northridge, CA. We will provide insight on the results of the survey and an update at this meeting on the future of ISDCF.  We expect an interactive discussion at this meeting.

Attached is a background deck with details that can be used internally to understand the value of ISDCF. Deck here: The Future of ISDCF

Companies with over $5M in revenue can join with a $4K/year fee.

You should receive an invoice for 2023 in January of 2023

Membership Status